What are wasps? They are the insects which is concluded in the group of Hymenoptera. If we talk about their population then they are spread worldwide. Mostly in the areas of Melbourne with the range of up to 12000 species in the world. They have a variety in their structures from a very little diapriidae which is almost invisible to the naked eye to the cicada killer wasps and spider wasps which easily capture large prey for them. Most of the larvae are carnivorous which prey on spiders and other small insects for their food source. The larger species of wasp provide themselves with food by preying on the other larger insects. Also by laying eggs near the food source which could be an egg, larva or pupa of another insect.

The most common and problematic wasp is the European wasp also known as Vespula Germanica. These wasps are mostly found in the parts of Europe, Asia and North Africa. European wasps are one of the types of pests as they are more intensely aggressive than the normal wasp. Because they have less predators for them and they resist the weather conditions. However, European wasps are an increasing problem for Melbourne. So, its better to do wasp removal with the help professionals
What are Types of Wasps?
As wasps have a wide range of species, we will discuss some important types of wasps with their lifespan.
1.Paper Wasps: This is a type of wasp which uses chewed plant substances mixed with their saliva to make their nests. This helps them to survive in a place without any fear of predators.
Life span: The queen can survive almost a year but the workers only survive for 3 to 4 weeks.
2.Yellow Jackets: Yellow jackets are famous for their destructive nature. Therefore they tend to live in colonies as a group or underground.
Lifespan: In this case workers live for almost 10 to 12 days whereas queens can survive up to one year.
3.Mud daubers: These wasps prefer to live in solitude. They create their nests in mud and are usually seen in gutters and garbage.
Lifespan: The adult Mud daubers live for a few weeks to a few months.
4.Hornets: Hornets are larger in size from Yellow jackets and are more threatening than them. They live in aeriform nests.
Lifespan: The queens live for almost a year where workers survive for only 2 to 4 weeks.
What is the Lifecycle of a Wasp?
The nests of wasps almost survive a year but for the warmer weather this time can increase. When the winter arrives, the male wasp dies off because of the severe temperature. Whereas the newly fertilized queen hibernates to produce a nest for the next spring. The queen lays its eggs in the cells of the nest. It changes into the larva form after the growth of 6 to 8 days. Then the larva stays attached to the queen for many weeks. The growth of larvae goes from many different stages which are called instars. When five instars are completed to grow the larva covers itself completely into a cocoon. The total larvae development time is 9 to 22 days which again depends upon the food sources and temperature conditions.
After when the larva is fully nourished and feeded the larva starts to secrete a silk textured substance which is made by its salivary glands which under covers the cocoon. Inside the cocoon, larva grows and develops into the adult which takes almost 7 to 9 days. This first batch is known as workers which work on creating the nest for the next wasp, while the queen lays eggs.
Where Do Wasp Goes During Hibernation?
There is confusion that wasp hibernate or where do they go when they hibernate?
So now we are going to discuss all these questions while clearing out all the confusions made about them. Wasps generally hibernate but only the queen wasp as the workers and male wasps die out when the weather changes. After the weather gradually changes to warm, the queen wasps arise where they were hidden. And start to find food sources and the next place to build their nest. During the winters, queens can choose a place to hide in your houses to the holes and gaps in the trees. The place should be warm enough which shields them from dying of cold.
After that the second statement for wasps is if they fly at night. In general most of the species are inactive and care to rest. However some of the species like hornets will be caught flying. They mostly active at the day time where they search for their food and create their nests. Whereas at night they stay in their nests watching and taking care of their larvae. Now if we talk about the sleeping habits of wasps. They sleep at night which leads them to stay motionless when they are sleeping. They are mostly active during the day and sleep at night like humans.
How to Prevent Wasp from Your House?
As some species of wasps play a role as pests which means they can be harmful to your property. That is why we are going to discuss some of the important prevention tips and strategies for wasp infestation.
Cover the entry points: Seal and cover the entry points where there are unnecessary gaps and holes. Especially in winters, when it is the peak time for wasps to enter your houses, cover all the unwanted gaps.
Keep the food covered: The places like kitchen and cabinets should always be protected and the food must be stored in a safe place. It is very crucial to cover the food items as they can be an easy target for wasp infestation.
Erase the nesting areas: Clean the areas where you think wasps can target their nests. Also check the underground areas like attics, eaves for small nests.
Usage of wasps traps: You can also use many types of traps available in the market to avoid or get rid of wasps. This technique is beneficial to remove the wasps just at the time.
Hire a professional: If the situation gets worse and out of control you should probably seek the help of a pest professional team. It would be better to treat your house then with the help of advanced and effective treatments from expertise.
After this detailed discussion I hope now you can understand what are wasps and what are important types of wasps. It is important to know how wasps live and survive to actually know about them. Wasps include 12000 species and have a variety of types from which some play a role of pests. It is good to know their types as some can cause serious devastations in your property. Which can ruin your place and your peace of mind. To avoid wasp infestation, it is suggested to appoint a professional which can help you from the nuisance of wasps.
Do wasps die once they sting you?
No, wasps did not die after they sting a person rather they can sting you twice during their lifespan.
Does a queen wasp sting?
Yes queen wasps are capable of stinging humans but are less likely to do that than the worker wasps.
Are queen wasps aggressive?
Yes, queen wasps are aggressive but are less aggressive than the worker wasps