What Do Possums Eat And How to Keep Away From Property?

Possums are fascinating marsupials and are usually herbivorous and carnivorous. Understanding their diet satisfies your curiosity and helps you to manage their presence around your property. They are good for your backyard because they will eat things you might not want in them, most commonly cockroaches, snakes, rodents, and other insects. If you are a homeowner, want to confirm whether possums are the reason for missing fruits, chewed plants, or pet owners, or simply known local wildlife and want to learn about what do possums eat.  

What Do Possums Eat

This blog will cover all the information related to the possums diet and how this knowledge can help you keep them away from your property. These nocturnal marsupials become quite a nuisance and disturb your daily routine when they take residents on your roof. We will also discuss about possum removal tips from your property. 

What Do Australian Possums Eat?

Australian Possums are omnivorous, meaning their diets consist of both plant and animal matter. This reflects their ability to survive in different environments. Their diet includes a variety of food such as fruits, flowers, nuts, small rodents, insects, worms, slugs, snails, frogs, and birds. They also eat vegetables, berries, garbage, pet food, and bird seeds. Possums are scavengers, and they will eat anything. Some possums feed on bird eggs, chicks, and small vertebrates. They have a high ability to ingest toxic leaves. 

Now, let’s discuss the diet of common species of possums.

What Do Ringtail Possums Eat?

Ringtails are the most common species of possums found in Melbourne, Australia. These are herbivorous and like to eat:

Eucalyptus Leaves, Soft Shoots and Bark, Fruits and Berries, and Flowers. They have a strong digestive system, which enables them to break down the tough, fibrous leaves of Eucalyptus trees, fresh shoots and young leaves from other various plants.  If you have fruit trees in your garden, such as apricot, apple, pear, or citrus trees, you are most likely to become a target.
Ringtail possums are a major headache for garden owners. They will destroy their favorite plants, chew leaves, and eat fruits. However, they are relatively less aggressive and harmless than brushtail possums. 

Ringtail possums live an arboreal lifestyle, building nests in trees or shrubs close to food sources. If they become too much of a problem, Zap It Pest Control has a specialized team that deals with possums and offers effective possum removal services. Just call us today to protect your garden from these cute but frustrated mammals. 

What Do Brushtail Possums Eat? 

The common brushtail possum has the most generalized diet of all possums. This species of possums is commonly found in urban and suburban areas as their primary food is found in gardens. Brushtail possums are omnivorous. They eat a mix of plant and animal-based food. Brushtail possums diet includes:
Leaves and Foliage, Fruits and Vegetables, Flowers and Nectar, Bark and Shoots, Insects and Small Animals, Human Food and Waste.

Its favorite food is Australian mistletoe.
Their eating habits create big challenges for property owners in Melbourne. They destroy plants, eat fruits, and strip bark, leaving your garden looking ragged. Brushtail possums will also invade homes through chimneys in search of food and damage roofs and insulation, resulting in costly repairs. 

In addition to these damages, brushtail possums leave a scent gland around their territory, which can leave an unpleasant smell around your home and garden.
You can manage this problem and get rid of brushtail possums by combining different techniques, such as deterrents and habitat modification, and involving professionals, which is a smart decision, particularly in severe cases.                                                                                      

What Do Baby Possums Eat?

Baby Possums, also known as Joey. When they are born, they are tiny, blind, and completely hairless, even no bigger than a jellybean. At this stage, they need milk, milk, and more milk. Baby possums stay in their mother’s pouch for 4 to 5 months and need milk that changes their composition as they grow. Milk provides the perfect balance of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.                                                                             

Soft leaves, fruits such as bananas, apples and berries, flowers and nectar are the initial diet for baby possums. When they are old enough to 7 to 9 months, their diet will become a mix of leaves, fruits, flowers, insects and human food scraps (for omnivorous brushtail possums).

If you forget to leave your cat or dog food outside, curious baby possums may also eat this.

To protect your garden from baby possum invasion, you will use netting to shield fruit trees and plants. You should also keep your food scraps in tightly closed bins to avoid further attracting possums. 

Note: If you find a baby possum, don’t try to feed it yourself. It is not recommended, as the Australian Wildlife Act protects these species. It is better to contact Wildlife Rescue to provide the specialized care that baby possums need.

What Do Pygmy Possums Eat?

Pygmy possums diet is sweet nectar and pollen, making them important pollinators in the ecosystem. Their diet ranges from native flowers like banksias, bottlebrushes, and eucalyptus blossoms to fruit and seeds and insects. 

The diet of pygmy possums changes with the seasons. They will eat moths, beetles, and other small insects. These are a rich source of protein, especially during the breeding season when these tiny marsupials require extra energy. 

If you have these little creatures around your area, protect their habitats because pygmy possums play an important role as pollinators and seed dispersants, contributing a role towards the health of ecosystems.
You can plant native flowers to support their diet. If you find any mess created by pygmy possums in your yard, you will contact Zap It Pest Control for humane solutions to manage their activity. 

How Does Understanding Their Diet Help Keep Possums Away?

It is important to maintain the safety, hygiene, and integrity of your home and business reputation. Possums are part of the ecosystem, while their presence and activities in residential areas can lead to different problems.

Understanding possum behaviour and diet will help you manage their presence around your property. These marsupials are attracted to your home, particularly for shelter and food resources. Acknowledging their dietary habits will help you to take proactive steps to stop them from entering your property.

Identify and Remove Food Sources

Possums are opportunistic eaters, which means they will eat anything available to them. If you have a garden and possums, attract them to your fruits or vegetables, and use netting or fencing to protect your plants. Also, make sure you will not leave any food outside and properly dispose of your garbage in tight, sealed bins.

Avoid Accidental Feeding

Accidentally feeding possums can happen without you realizing it. You may have left your pet bowl outside with food and provided a quick chance for these marsupials. Additionally, some native flowers and shrubs in your backyard may act as natural attractants. 

To stop possums from being attracted to your property, you need to take small but practical steps to reduce the chance of their inviting. Bring pet foods or any other food indoors. Plant possum-resistant plants such as herbs or prickly plants to protect your favourite fruits and vegetables in your garden. 

Use Repellents

Natural repellents and humane strategies are effective ways to keep possums away from your property. For example, you can use garlic, chili, or vinegar sprays on plants to protect them from possums. Motion-activated lights can also be highly effective. Possums prefer dark and quiet spaces and will likely avoid areas where sudden light disrupts their comfort. 

By using the knowledge of the possum diet, you will make your property less appealing to these frustrated, stubborn pests. 


Looking for possum control? Hire professionals from Zap It pest control services provider to get guaranteed results at affordable prices with 24/7 delivery.

Understanding what do possums eat and the behaviour of different species of possums, such as brushtail, ringtail, and pygmy possums, will help you take small but effective preventive measures to make your home or business less attractive to these nocturnal marsupials.  

So start saving your property from this stubborn pest today and enjoy peace of mind with a possum-free, safe and healthy environment. 


What do possums like to eat?

Possum enjoys a variety of foods, including fruits and vegetables, leaves and foliage, flowers and nectar, insects and small animals, human food scraps, tree bark and sap. By understanding what possums like to eat, you can take preventive measures to manage their presence in your home.

What fruit do ringtail possums eat?

Apricots, apples, pears, bananas, and berries are the favorite fruit ringtail possums enjoy the most. They mainly eat sweet, ripe fruits in gardens or orchards.

What do possums eat at night?

At night, possums want to eat readily available and energy rich foods. Their night diet commonly includes ripe fruits and flower nectar. However, in urban areas, possums prefer to eat leftover human or pet food.

What foods are toxic to possums?

Possums should avoid processed and junk food, avocado, chocolate, alcohol, onion and garlic, and caffeine. Dairy products are also not suitable for their digestive issues due to lactose intolerance. 

Do possums drink water?

Yes, possums do drink water from available sources like puddles, pet bowls, or streams. However, possums get most of their hydration from the food they eat, such as fruits and nectar.

Can you leave food out for possums?

It is not recommended to feed possums. They have a natural diet and behaviors. Human-provided food may disturb their immune system and lead to potential health issues.