How Much Does Fly Control Cost?

No one can stay calm when you have pests at your home. The sign of destruction and eaten-up pipes and wood is the sign that you need to see a pest professional. This step is crucial as it is important to know how dangerous pests are for you and your health. Flies come up with thousands of different problems in your house. The killing pathogens they carry within their bodies, the diseases they serve for human bodies and pets. Whereas the way they ruin your property could cost you millions if not treated in time. Sometimes people don’t focus on this side  and flies remain to destroy your place until major destruction is not created. And then these people have to invest too much extra money and their time to get it correct.

How Much Does Fly Control Cost

So before it is too late, it’s better to see a professional pest control company for the betterment of you and your family. But the question which arises here is that how much does fly control cost? The cost of treatments for flies infestation depends on different factors. Hence as there are different factors for the costs so there are different cost strategies for different treatments. Also flies are spread in the Earth with so many different kinds. And each of them have different characteristics which make them special then the others. Each one of them has a different living style, some act as pests and some serve to balance the ecosystem. In this article we will discuss what are the signs that you have a flies infestation in your house. As well as how much DIY and professional pest control cost.

Signs of Fly Infestation

It is essential to determine first properly whether you have pests in your place. The thorough inspection can tell if you need a treatment also maintaining a clean environment is appreciable. Now we are going to discuss what could be the signs of fly infestation for which treatments are required.

Increase in the activities of flies: If you see the involvement of flies more than the usual it means they are growing in population. The increase in their activities in house or at any specific area of house is the sign for fly infestation.

Presence of Maggots: If you are facing maggots(larvae of flies) everywhere in your house, then it is another sign for fly infestation. Mostly you will find the maggots in the kitchen dustbins or in the garbage areas.

Small fly spots: The small dark spots on your walls and ceilings are the spots of flies. Flies usually leave a dark spot after leaving a place where they have rested. So this could also be a sign for fly infestation.

Unpleasant smells: If you recognize some unwelcoming and nuisance smells from dead organic matter then it is flies act. All these signs are the evidence for flies infestation in your house. And it is crucial to treat them as soon as possible for your own peace of mind.

Factors That Affect Fly Extermination Cost

There are several factors which affect the overall cost for the fly infestation. There could be a possibility that the treatment might be for some specific area of the whole house. Whereas the area of the affected place also matters. So below are the factors by which how much does fly control cost affects.

Intensity of fly infestation: The severity and intensity of flies can lead to the different formats of treatments with different needs. As less intensity can be treated by less intensive treatments which in result will cost less money.

Size of the place: The size of your house or workplace really matters when it comes to pest control services. As larger areas require more extensive treatments.

Types of treatments: The types of treatments could be a factor because non-chemical treatments are more expensive than the usual ones. 

Approachability: Sometimes it is hard to treat some areas where the approach is hard. These places mostly cost extra charges for more labor work.

Follow-ups: If the condition is severe then it might need the treatment multiple times. These follow-ups increase the overall expenses.

How Much Does Fly Control Cost in Melbourne

As we have discussed above, the factors which can influence the cost of fly treatments. In Melbourne the flies control cost also depends on the intensity of the infestation. And the surface area of the place.

The basic treatment: If we talk about the basic treatments for fly control, it will be $150 to $300.This range will suit the small infestations in small residential areas. 

Inclusive Treatments: The full range of treatments for intensive fly infestation in a larger residence will cost almost $300 to $600.This is also eligible if the treatment is done twice.

For commercial areas: The commercial areas require $500 to $1000 for the proper treatment. These places usually require special treatments because of their large areas. Also some specially created tools are needed for commercial areas pest control treatments.

DIY Solutions vs Hiring Experts 

Sometimes it is hard to decide whether we should choose DIY solutions or engage a team of professionals for fly treatment. The decision lies in the fact that DIY solutions are effective enough to fulfill the requirements. Below we will compare the positive as well negative sides of both DIY solutions and hiring experts.

DIY Solutions


  • DIY solutions are effective for small pest issues.
  • The DIY solutions are easy to find anytime whenever needed.
  • DIY products show immediate response in the affected area which solve the problem easily.


  • DIY solutions may not affect the root cause of the infestation.
  • DIY solutions are not as affected for the problems with severe intensity and also for frequent problems.
  • Recurring use of DIY solutions involve the use of chemicals which can be a health hazard.

Hiring Experts


  • Hiring an expert means tailored and professional treatments.
  • These include long-lasting effectiveness and also target the hidden population.
  • It includes safer options of treatments which are eco-friendly.


  • Hiring experts for treatments is a bit costly compared to DIY solutions. 
  • Hiring experts also requires more time than the DIY solutions.


After this detailed discussion, I hope it is clear that fly control cost totally depends on the size of the place. Other than that the severity of flies infestation also serves for another factor. But the key point is it is necessary to keep flies out of your site. As they are not only disturbing but are also a risk for human health. Both DIY solutions as well as hiring experts are beneficial to eradicate flies overall.


How much does fly control cost in Melbourne?

The total cost for different areas in Melbourne depends upon different factors. For example the size of the affected place, severity of the infestation and the types of treatments.

What are the two ways for flies control?

The two ways to get rid of flies include DIY solutions and hiring experts.

Which way is more expensive in DIY solutions and hiring experts?

Hiring expertise will be more costly than the DIY solutions as it needs more tools and work.