Melbourne is home to many unique species of animals. In this blog, we will focus on one that can wander throughout this region: roofs, backyards, suburbs, and cities, the Possum. If you are frustrated and fed up with this pest and want to know, what are possums and how you can treat them. This is a complete guide for you. You can understand and learn how to manage these stubborn pests in your premises.

My name is Adam, and I am proud to represent Zap It, the leading pest control service provider in Melbourne. In this blog, I am going to discuss different types of possums found in Melbourne, Australia. Their unique characteristics, diet, habitat, and proven ways to remove possums from your home, garden, or commercial spaces. If you are dealing with possum problems, understanding their behavior is the first step to keeping them out. Continue this blog for expert advice and practical strategies to keep your home possum-free.
What Are Possums?
Scientific Name: Trichosurus vulpecula
Common Name: Common Brushtail Possum
Possums are nocturnal (animals active at night), arboreal ( animals live in trees), and marsupials (feed and nurture their offspring in pouch) native to Australia, New Guinea, Sulawesi, and nearby islands. They are known for their adaptability to different environments.
The group of possums is called a passel. This term originates from the English word group or bundle. A male possum is referred to as Jack, a female is called Jill, and a baby possum is known as Joey. The term Joey is usually used in Australia for all younger marsupials, such as kangaroos, wallabies, and koalas.
Many people view these animals as trouble, but they provide ecological benefits. They clean up the environment and eat ticks and dead animals from their surroundings. However, they can mostly be considered pests due to their habit of damaging gardens, trees, and buildings, and they have a lousy reputation fueled by common misconceptions. Let’s figure out one of the most common, Is it possums or opossums?
Possums Vs Opossums
They are actually two different animals, but same as you can consider them cousins to each other. Opossums are fuzzy white mammals found in North America, but without O, the possums are an Australian species closely related to the kangaroo. Here is the comparison below.
Possums | Opossums |
What are possums? Possums are native marsupials found in Australia. | What are opossums? Opossums are native marsupials found in North America. |
Possums belong to the order Diprotodontia. | Opossums belong to the order Didelphimorphia. |
Australian possums are herbivorous and have soft fur. | Opossums are omnivores and usually have greyish fur. |
Possum size varies depending on the kind of species, while the most common brushtail possum size is 32-58 cm in head and body length, with a tail length of 24-40 cm. | Opossums are roughly the size of raccoons and about 2-3 feet in length. |
Australian possums are great climbers. They can climb up very steep things and can even glide through the air between trees! | Opossums are called playing opossums when they pretend to be dead. This often happens when they feel scared. They even sometimes release bad smells to deter predators. |
Types of Possums in Melbourne
As a Melbourne resident, understanding the types and behavior of possums is important to manage them effectively. Major types of possums in Melbourne include:
- Common Brushtail Possum
- Common Ringtail Possum
- Mountain brushtail possum
- Sugar Glider
- Feathertail Glider
- Eastern Pygmy Possum
Here, we will focus on the two most common types of possums frequently seen in Melbourne’s urban area.
1- Common Brushtail Possum Melbourne
The scientific name for brushtail possum is (Trichosurus vulpecula)
Brushtail possums get their names from their black bushy tail. They are the most abundant and frequently found marsupials in Australia.
They are well-adapted to suburban environments, so you may find them in your neighborhood. They have large, pointed ears, silver-grey fur, and sharp claws.
Brushtail possums eat the leaves, flowers, and fruits of many native trees and damage your garden. They primarily eat eucalyptus leaves (most favorite ones), figs, berries, blossoms, and fruits, such as apples, pears, and citrus fruits from orchards. However, possums are opportunistic feeders and will take off whatever food is available.
If you ever heard a screeching sound on your roof. Well, It may be a brushtail possum.
These nocturnal marsupial brushtail possums are not shy about making their presence known. Their sounds may include Screeching when they dispute territories or mating, Grunting or Hissing (when they feel threatened), Coughing, or Barking for communication.
These sounds are usually heard at night, as possums are active after dusk. Their sounds become a nuisance, especially when you are sleeping. Professional pest control can help manage possum removal humanely and legally. If you need their assistance, you can reach Zap It pest control in Melbourne for brushtail possum removal and peaceful nights.
2- Common Ringtail Possum
The scientific name for the common ringtail possum is (Pseudocheirus peregrinus)
Common ringtail possums have a prehensile tail to help them climb in trees. It weighs between 550 and 1100 grams and is approximately 30-35 cm rearing. This possum is commonly found on the east coast of Australia, Tasmania, and southwestern parts of Australia. Ringtail possums prefer dense forests and are adapted to live in trees.
Ringtail possums feed on various plants in the Myrtaceae family, including flowers and fruits from shrubs and plants. Plants, gums, and resins are also their favorite food. Ringtail prefers young leaves to old ones.
Ringtail possums use high-pitch calls to communicate. Their vocalizations are softer as compared to Brushtail possums, making ringtail possums quiet in urban environments.
Ringtail possums are rarely found in drier conditions. They live in temperate and tropical environments. They love to live in eucalyptus forests due to the food and shelter provided by eucalyptus trees. Ringtail possums are less fertile. They build nests in shrubs, roofs, and garages.
When these possums enter the roofs for nesting, they can cause significant challenges, such as property damage, including chewing on insulation, wiring, or timber, which can lead to costly repairs. Their droppings and odor are a separate mess for the property owners, requiring daily cleaning.
3- Mountain Brushtail Possum
The scientific name for the mountain brushtail possum is Trichosurus cunninghami.
Mountain brushtail possums are slightly larger than common brushtail possums. Primarily found in cooler, forested regions, especially eucalyptus forests, these possums feed predominantly on native plant leaves. They are highly adaptable and adjust their diet based on food availability.
4- Sugar Glider Possum
The scientific name for the sugar glider possum is Petaurus Breviceps. Petaurus refers to rope dancers due to their ability to glide from tree to tree in the air while breviceps means short headed. They are comparatively smaller than other types of possums present in Melbourne.
Sugar gliders have a diverse range of diets, they are omnivorous and also fond of sweet substances such as tree sap, nectar, and fruits that’s why their name starts with the word sugar. Insects, pollen, and other small invertebrates are also included in their diet.
5- Feathertail Glider Possum
The scientific name for the feathertail glider possum is Acrobates Pygmaeus.
The Feathertail Glider Possum’s name comes from their unique feather-like tail having hairs on both sides. Another name for feathertail gliders is pygmy gliding possums. They are the smallest gliding mammals in the world. These gliders are particularly found in eastern Australia, in forests, woodlands, and shrublands.
Feathertail gliders are also omnivorous, their diet includes pollen, insects, nectar, and sap from native trees such as eucalyptus and acacia.
6- Eastern Pygmy Possum
The scientific name for the Eastern Pygmy Possum is Cercartetus Nanus.
The Eastern Pygmy Possum is native to southeastern Australia. This small, nocturnal, marsupial is known for its adorable appearance and tiny size. They live in tree hollows and bird nests. These are omnivores and fond of nectar from eucalyptus blossoms like sugar glider possums.
Pygmy possums play an important role in the ecosystem as pollinators and are not considered pests. However, they seek shelter in homes and if you want to remove them Zap It Pest Control Melbourne can help with humane and effective solutions to protect you and your home from these tiny marsupials.
The Differences Between Brushtail and Ringtail Possums
Bruhtail and ringtail possums share many similarities, including their nocturnal habits and arboreal nature. But their unique qualities distinguish them. Let’s explore them:
Features | Brushtail Possum | Ringtail Possum |
Physical Appearance | Brushtail possums are medium-sized marsupials with body lengths of 35-55 cm and weigh between 1.2 and 4.5 kg. | Ring-tail possums are relatively smaller, with a body length of about 30-35 cm and a weight of 0.5-1.1kg. |
Color | Their fur is of different colors, commonly grey and occasionally black or reddish-brown in some regions. | They have soft grey or brown fur with white spots. |
Reproduction | Brushtails usually give birth to only one joey, they live around four months in the pouch for nourishment and remain in the pouch, growing and gaining fur. | Ringtail possums have twin joeys. They spend more time in the mother’s pouch to grow and gain strength. |
Tail Functionality | Brush-tail possums have a bushy tail, are covered in fur, and are primarily used for balance. | The ringtail possum tail is slender and flexible and ends in the white tip. It is highly prehensile. Its function is like an extra limb. |
What Are the Benefits of Having a Possum Around?
Possums act like natural pest controllers. They are opportunistic feeders. They clean up the environment, night trash, roadkill, rodents, and backyard insects. A recent study revealed that possums eat 96% of ticks, helping to reduce the tick population in the environment.
Despite their ecological benefits they stress you and your pets with their nighttime activities. Implementing the right strategies will help you to head off these possums. Here are some valuable solutions to remove them from your premises:
- Repair any damage to your roof and seal entry points to prevent access
- Install possum boxes in trees to provide shelter for them
- Use motion-activated lights to discourage possums from specific areas.
- Planting possum-resistant plants such as aromatic and tough textures, as well as native plants such as lavender, rosemary, aloe vera, yucca, and citrus trees, is important to save your garden.
After this detailed discussion, I hope it is clear to you what are possums and what are the different types of possums. The common types are brushtail and ringtail possums, along with their behavior, habitat, and diet, which is important for dealing with this pest. You can reduce their presence by using proven strategies such as sealing entry points to limit their access, placing possum traps, and implanting possum resistant plants. For more secret methods and a humane approach to possum removal, you can contact professionals like Zap It anytime for a safe and effective solution to your possum pest problem.