Before jumping to the conclusion whether flies are beneficial or harmful for humans, we should have enough knowledge about flies. So, what are flies? They are airborne insects with two wings which help them to fly wherever. They have a diverse family belonging to the order of Diptera, where Diptera is a Greek word meaning “ two wings.” Flies are widespread worldwide, having a vast species all around. According to the zoologists, flies cover over 1500 species, and yet there are more that are still undiscovered. Some of the species are beneficial to the ecosystem, but most of them are considered harmful to humans.

Flies are seen everywhere in the ecosystem, from far-situated forests to urban and rural areas and in houses. They mostly show up in humidity and warm weather. Moreover, they are also found near decaying organic material where they lay their eggs. Their lifecycle includes four stages, which are egg, larva, pupa and adult. Regardless of their negative impact on humans, different species of flies play a critical role in balancing the ecosystem. So, their presence can’t be ignored or denied.
What Are Flies and Their Types
Different kinds of flies are normally found on average in offices and homes in Melbourne. From 1500 species of flies, some are common and suit themselves according to their needs. While some species are rare and are seen once in a blue moon. By knowing different Australian flies you can easily distinguish among them. You can also choose what treatment or prevention to use for fly control. Below is a brief discussion about different types of flies, from their life cycle to their appearance and habitat. The most common species in Australia include:
- House fly
- Fruit fly
- Flesh fly
- Fermentation fly
- Blowfly
- Blush fly
- Lacewings
- March fly
House Flies
House flies are known to grow in a short period. They complete their life cycle in moist places while decaying on vegetative matter. This vegetative matter is mostly in garbage places or pet food.
- The eggs are mostly laid in bunches in approximately 150 days and are converted into larvae within 72 hours.
- The larva takes 3 to 60 days for further growth.
- In their pupal stage, flies mature in 3 to 8 days.
- An adult housefly is about 5 to 8 mm long.
- Their thora is grey with thin and narrow strips on it.
- Their body is covered with hair, which serves as taste buds for them.
- The ends of their wings are slightly pointed.
Indoors, house flies found in your houses are mostly in the cabinets or the kitchen and ceilings.
Fruit Fly
Life cycle
Fruit flies can reproduce in rotten fruits, dirty drainage or even in clean utensils.
- At a moderate and suitable temperature, fruit flies can complete one cycle in a week.
- Mostly, it takes 7 to 30 days for them to grow completely.
- The mature and adult fruit fly lives for 2 to 9 weeks.
- They are 3 mm long.
- Their body is yellow-brown.
- Fruit flies have big red eyes.
- They tend to float over.
Fruit flies are mostly found in places where they infest fruits and mostly vegetation.
Flesh Flies
Life cycle
In the life cycle of flesh flies, the female fly produces larvae on rotten food like meat or fish. It could also be in garbage places where contaminated food is present.
- The mature flesh fly can live for 2 to 4 weeks.
- After growing for some days, the larvae adjust themselves in some drier medium for the pupate process.
- Flesh flies are 6 to 14 mm in length.
- Their thorax is grey with three stripes designed longitudinally.
- Their abdomen is light grey with black patches on it.
Flesh flies are mostly attracted to food items and, hence, are a threat to human beings.
Fermentation Flies
Life cycle
In the life cycle of a fermentation fly, the female fly lays up to 500 eggs at a time.
- An immature egg develops into a mature fly in mostly 7 days.
- The mature fermentation fly lives for only 2 weeks.
- They are 1/8th in length.
- They are yellowish brown or maybe freckled in colour.
- Fermentation flies have red eyes.
- Their abdomen is hanging down, which makes them slow in flight.
- They tend to float over.
The breed of fermentation flies is mostly found in fruits, vegetables, breweries and pubs.
Blush Flies
Life cycle
The eggs of blush flies are mostly infused in the droppings of large animals.
- Blush flies complete their cycle in moist places.
- The adult fly lives for 2 to 5 weeks.
- They are 2 to 6 mm long.
- They are mostly similar to house flies except for their size.
- They are smaller than house flies in comparison.
The adults mostly roam around animals and also humans. They are attracted to sweat, saliva, tears and also to grazing animals.
Lace Wings
Life cycle
The female lacewing lays up to 600 eggs at once.
- The development of an egg into a mature lacewing needs 4 to 6 weeks.
- The average lifespan of a lacewing is 3 to 4 wings.
- Lacewing’s development includes four stages; egg, larva, pupa and an adult.
- They are 15 to 25 mm in length.
- They are green in colour.
- They have 4 large lacey wings on their body.
- They have long thin antennas.
- They have golden coloured eyes.
Lacewings are usually found in landscapes, trees, in gardens and in field crops.
March Fly
Life cycle
The mating process for march fly starts in the air and is completed in the ground.
- Adult lifespan of a march fly is 1 to 2 months.
- The mature march fly is 25 mm in length.
- They are in between black to dark brown in colour.
- Their eyes colour is green or black.
- They almost resemble honey bees.
Are Flies Harmful?
We cannot deny the presence of flies in the ecosystem. Some of the species of flies, such as fruit flies and some other species are very beneficial for the ecosystem. They help the ecosystem by taking part in the pollination of plants and flowers. They also help in the decomposition of waste matter by decaying it. Hence providing nutrients to the smaller organisms present in nature. Where some species of flies play an essential part in the ecosystem, they also act as pests such as house flies.
Flies play a role as a pest by contaminating food and other surfaces, making them harmful and risky for human health. Their wings carry bacteria and different pathogens from unhygienic places and transfer these bacteria to different places. When humans come in contact with these bacterial surfaces, they get negative effects of it. So, house fly infestation and other fly control are essential in society.
While we have studied what are flies? You are surely familiar now with how flies impact the ecosystem by playing their roles. Some species of flies are crucial for the ecosystem, while others live as pests. Different prevention treatments and solution methods can avoid pest flies. Fly control involves three major steps, which are thorough inspection, treatment methods and regular maintenance. By following these three rules, you can deduct fly infestation from your office or house with ease.