How To Get Rid of Possums In Roof?

Possums in roof become a serious problem, especially for Melbourne residents at night due to their nocturnal behaviour. These cute marsupials are active at night, and with their constant movement, they will ruin your sleep. Besides finding the ways of how to get rid of them from your roof, have you ever found why these wildlife animals are attracted towards your home, roof, or garden? As a result of increasing urbanization, disrupting their natural habitats, possums have now found their shelters in residential roofs. 

How To Get Rid of Possums In Roof

In South Australia it is illegal to harm or move possums. Removing possums permanently from your roof should be possible with proper care and with the help of Zap It possum removal experts, respecting both legal regulations and animal welfare. Contact now for professional services and get guaranteed results, and follow this guide for effective tips on how to get rid of possums from your roof naturally. 

Why Possums Choose Your Roof?

Possums do not infest your property randomly. It is important to understand what attracts, which will help in creating a successful long term strategy to remove them. Roofs are one of the most favourite shelters of brushtail possums due to their natural tree hollow structure, warm, dark and safe from predators. Further food availability at your home, such as fruit trees, compost bins, pet food and even certain flowers, will also provide a favourable place for possums. If you ignore these potential factors and try to remove possums, they may relocate, but new ones will take over vacant space immediately due to a suitable environment. So it is important to consider all these attractions and remove them before trying to exterminate possums for better results.

5-Steps Guide On How Do You Get Rid Of Possums In Roof

Let’s compare DIY vs professional methods, how to get rid of possums and which one is best for you.

  1. DIY Pest Control Vs Professional Extermination

The best choice between these two methods depends on your situation. Below we highlight the key differences:

  1. Bait and Relocate Method Without Breaking The Law

Possums are highly territorial and do not leave your property on their own once they have found it suitable for their living. Try a gradual relocation approach to remove a possum from your roof. 

  • Place a possum nesting box outside your home in a tree or on a pole. 
  • Leave some food sources like fruit scraps, vinegar, garlic, camphor, peppermint, and onion, towards this box for a few days. 
  • When possums start using this alternative shelter, then use humane extermination methods. 

Possums will stay in places where they feel safe. When they find a better, and easier shelter, they will relocate naturally. 

  1. Possum Repellent DIY That Actually Works

There are many repellent sprays available, but the one homemade possum repellent spray which we share is our proven secret repellent DIY which delivers guaranteed results. This secret formula, developed through testing, which delivers fast and reliable results in removing possums. Here is the method on how to make it:

  • Ingredients for this homemade repellent spray are:
  1.  2 cups of apple cider vinegar
  2. 10 drops of tea tree oil or peppermint oil
  3. 1 teaspoon of dish soap
  4. 500ml water
  •  Now mix all these ingredients well and pour it into a bottle for spraying. 
  • Use this mixture generously around your roof gaps, trees, and known possum paths. 
  • Repeat this process every 3 to 4 days to achieve best results. 

This spray masks the possums scent markers and irritates their strong sense of smell and sensitive nose to force them to leave your home faster.

  1. AI Powered Motion Sensors

Taking advantage of possums nocturnal behaviour and using motion activated deterrent at night is also one of the most effective techniques than daytime methods.

Ultrasonic possum rappelers emit high frequency sounds that disrupt their behaviour, AI motion tracking sprinklers will detect movement and spray a harmless burst of water to keep them away from your roof, Solar powered flashing lights will mimic their eyes and scare them away. 

Wisely placing these advanced technologies near possum entry points, tree branches, and garbage bins will help you exterminate these stubborn pests from your roof successfully. 

  1. Install a One Way Exit Door To Prevent Future Infestation

This is a simple yet smart solution that allows the possum to leave space but prevents it from coming back. Carefully inspect your roof and find the possum entry hole that will be particularly for any gaps, broken seals, or damaged areas. Now securely install a one-way exclusion door over this entry point to allow possum to go outside but prevent re-entry.

Monitor possum activity at night, as these are nocturnal, so they typically come outside after dark. Give it a night or two to exit naturally. 

DIY Alternative: If you do not have a one way door option, try this alternative. Attach a sloped PVC pipe over the entry hole. Possum can climb out but would not be able to grip the smooth surface to get back in. It is an easy and cost-effective way to discourage possums from your roof and relocate on their own. 

How to stop possums running on the roof at night?

Possums will turn your roof into their playground at night, this is the main reason why homeowners want a quick solution. It is the time to outsmart them with practical and advanced methods that go beyond usual advice. 

  • Possums love to walk, run, and jump on flat and stable surfaces. Installing loose mesh netting or plastic sheeting on your roof makes it slippery and uncomfortable for them to walk on and discourages their night disturbance.
  • Instead of using simple loud noises to scare possums, invest in a randomized ultrasonic pest repeller that changes frequency and timing. It will confuse the possums and force them to stay away from your roof.
  • Possums are dependent on their sharp claws to climb and grip. Covering your roof edges with a non-toxic, water-resistant slippery coating like Teflon spray or silicon-based lubricant, with a common entry or climbing point near tree branches, makes it difficult for them to reach your roof.

Common Mistakes to Avoid During Removing Possums From Roof 

Removing possums from your roof requires proper care and attention, many homeowners make mistakes that can cause more problems. Here are the common mistakes to avoid. 

  • Always confirm that possum has left before sealing the entry points. Use a one-way exclusion door to let them exit safely without re-entering.
  •  Pay attention during breeding season, especially May-July and November-December in Australia. Sometimes baby possums are inside the nest, so if you face such a situation, contact Zap It professional pest control Melbourne and surrounding suburbs for safe and efficient removal. 
  • In South Australia there are strict rules for wildlife. It is illegal to harm or relocate possums without a license. Instead of handling possums with your own, install a possum nest box outside with baits to relocate them naturally.
  • Hire professional pest inspectors for a detailed inspection of your roof, vents, and eaves to find all possible holes. Use chalk to mark suspected entry points to track possum movement. 


Possum in the roof can be a challenging and stressful situation, but with the timely and right approach, you can remove them safely and prevent future infestations. If you are looking for how to get rid of possums in the roof, start with removing all the attraction and comfortable environment, repair all gaps and broken tiles in your roof, use human made deterrents, and install a one way exit door. It is best to hire professional help when needed. Zap It pest control offers affordable, legal and guaranteed possum removal services. Contact us today and get rid of possums from the roof naturally.


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