You must have this question in your mind, like other pests do house mice carry diseases? Well, the answer to this question is every pest species comes with its own dangers and diseases. Thus, all of these pests are dangerous to human beings as well as for other pet animals. Now, if we talk about house mice, what are house mice? Why are they dangerous ? And how do they harm humans? House mice are an extreme shriek-inducing pest of all the others. Their presence is not only annoying and trouble-causing but they also spread some fatal diseases. They are such energetic kinds of contortionists which roam around your whole house while spreading bacteria and diseases in you.

If we talk about the appearance of house mice, they have small hind feet. A long tail about the size of their body and head. They are usually of dark gray color but it varies for different house mice. Some have light-brown backs followed by light-brown bellies. After they have fully grown, they weigh about 15 grams and their length is about 8 cm. House mice average span is one year. House mice usually show up at your houses in the winter. The reason for this is, they wanted to shelter and warm themselves in winters and thus they enter your houses.
Why We Control House Mice?
Do house mice carry diseases? Simply you can say, yes, mice carry diseases. So we have to control house mice. Although house mice might be considered adorable by some of the people. But if they are not controlled in time, they could be your worst enemies. House mice are public health pests and inject harmful diseases within human beings. Through their urine and their eating habits, anyone can get food poisoning. Other than that, house mice create their nests near the food sources which also affects human health badly.
House mice, while roaming around filthy places, carry dirt and bacterias with them. As a result, they left traces of bacterias in the kitchen cabinets and pantries which spread diseases in the surroundings. House mice are also capable of destroying your furniture and property as they have gnawing ability in them. Gnawing helps them to maintain their teeth balance but in results it causes property damage to your residences.
Ways of Spreading Diseases by House Mice
House mice are famous for causing many major diseases. However there are three major ways by which house mice spread these diseases. These three ways are discussed below:
Through urination and droppings: Droppings are considered to be a rodent issue but some people are not aware how it can affect our health. House mice droppings and urination is one of the major causes of spreading diseases. Through their urination and waste house mice transmit diseases like Hantavirus, Salmonella and Lymphocytic choriomeningitis. These diseases are discussed in detail in the next section.
Through the parasites they carry: Not only mice but the other parasites which ride on mice backs are often the reason for transmission of diseases. These parasites ride through the mice into your houses and cause diseases. Mostly the diseases like Colorado tick fever and Lyme diseases are through parasitic activity.
Through bites: Through the house mice bite they can cause different diseases like rat bite fever. This is not a common act but things contaminated by mice bite could be risky. You can even get the disease by touching dead or contaminated mice.
Types of Diseases Caused by House Mice
The ways by which house mice spread different diseases are discussed above. But the types of diseases introduced by house mice are very vast and are discussed below:
Hantavirus: Hantavirus was first discovered in southwestern United States in 1913. This disease is known to be caused by deer mice but also by white footed mice and house mice. Hantavirus is caused by the inhalation of the viral organisms with the dust and other particles in the surrounding area. Other than that, Hantavirus can also spread by the direct contact of droppings and urination. Major symptoms of Hantavirus include muscle pain, fever and headache. If this disease remains untreated then the person would have to face adverse effects.
Salmonellosis: This disease majorly attacks on the stomach of humans. Direct contact with mice feces or contaminated surfaces where the food is prepared can be the reason for this disease.
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis: The sources of LCM usually contain inhaling of the mice waste mixed with the dust particles. It can also be transmitted by the direct contact of the waste. The workers usually involved in managing the mice waste are at high risk for this disease. Also pregnant women are also at high risk of damaging their fetus because of LCM.
Effective Ways of Controlling House Mice
There are some specific ways of controlling house mice by which you can prevent them from entering your house. These are :
Glue Boards: Glue boards are a cheaper way to deduct mice from a place. It catches the mice which try to cross the way just as the flypaper catches flies.
Sanitation: House mice are small enough to create spaces for their entries at your places. Controlling their activities is a difficult task especially when your house is organized in a way to invite them. No matter how good sanitation management is, if your house holds food there will always be chances for mice infestation. The sanitations should be good enough to eliminate house mice and prevent them early.
Exclusion: Exclusion is the most fortunate way in pest control services. It helps in binding all the unnecessary openings and gaps. Main point is to cover the edges of doors and windows as the wood is usually eaten up by mice. To avoid gnawing, cover the ends of the wood by metal pads.
Electrocution Traps: Electrocution traps include operated-battery traps. These traps are usually more expensive than ordinary traps. Commercial building owners usually use such traps for total control of rodents in their place.
After this detailed discussion now it is clear to you do house mice carry diseases. House mice are not easy to get rid of from one place if they have already infested at a place. Their energetic and quick movements and activities help them to run and hide easily. House mice are small pests and they know how to take advantage of their small size. They not only are harmful for your property but also create high risks of health for humans. They cause many different and dangerous diseases in some ways. For the better pest control management, you can call Zap It for the safety of you and your property.